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Modern Slavery

It is illegal and against fundamental human rights to practise modern slavery. The deprivation of a person's liberty by another in order to exploit them for personal or economic benefit is a commonality among all types of human trafficking, forced labour, slavery, and servitude.


VitalSigns Wellness pledges to maintain openness with both our suppliers of products and services and with our own employees in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act of 2015. These comprise the supply chain of VitalSigns Wellness, together with the service providers. A evaluation of the measures the supplier has implemented to maintain its supply chain will be included in our supplier approval process as part of our due diligence procedures into slavery and human trafficking.


VitalSigns Wellness will not knowingly work with or support any companies that engage in human trafficking or slavery. The company's directors and senior management are in charge of putting this statement into practise to make sure that neither human trafficking nor slavery occurs within the company or its supply networks.


All employees can obtain a copy of our policy and the Modern Slavery Act 2015 by contacting our HR department.

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